Title/File NameDate
YYYY/MM/DD (if possible)
Date Catalogued
Catalogued byInformationLocation(s)CopyrightNotes
Title of material
OR file name in SharePoint
When was the item made.
OR if it is a transcript or a copy, this section refers to the creation date of the original.
What date was it catalogued.Who catalogued it.A brief description of the item and any other helpful informationWhere can it be found in the Research Room OR tablet OR Sharepoint
Please see location table for more advice
Add if original is archived at third party archive
Does the National Trust fully own item?
Are there any licensing restrictions?
Has it been used anywhere else?
For example an exhibition or research.
Any additional information

NOTE: the original is an Excel spreadsheet

OHD_DSN_0197 Research Room Index prototype
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