Here follows a basic plan for interim crit sessions that I believe will help my work. The general aim is for me to get feedback on my work but also to bring together various stakeholders for further knowledge exchange. I imagine there will be two types of crit sessions, one AFK (away from keyboard) and the other on Zoom. I think it best for them to take place near the end of this calendar year.


There is the option to have AKF days at different locations, one at Newcastle, another at Northumbria and one at Seaton Delaval Hall. What I plan to do is have an exhibition of my work which people are able to visit throughout the day and also have scheduled sessions where people have a round table discussion about my work. When it comes to capturing people’s feedback, the discussions can be recorded and people will be also encouraged to leave comments on my work either via a feedback or post-its.

Zoom Day

The Zoom day will be similar in structure; there will be a Miro board that functions as a type of gallery space and scheduled round table sessions. Although it might also be helpful to send round a collection of my work before hand. Feedback again will be captured in a similar way as I can record zoom sessions and people can leave comments and post-its on the Miro board.

OHD_WRT_0175 Interim Crit Plan
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