On 26 March I presented my first paper during a series of Digital Heritage Workshops organised by Lancaster University and IIT Indore. It was really scary and weird. I didn’t feel looked after at all. I also presented something that
OHD_PRS_0124 Presentation/Interview
Below is the presentation I had to do in order to be chosen as the student to complete this PhD. The interview took place on Feb 18th 2020 and the question I had to answer was, “What are the key
OHD_LST_0123 questions
Here is a collection of questions I have asked myself concerning the topic of my PhD both big and small. How do we handle the racism that exists in the archives? Date: 16/06/2020 What do we do with unused interviews?
OHD_PRS_0122 Staying flexible: how to build an oral history archive
The second conference paper I presented. This one went better than the first one so that is positive. Slides Script [slide two] This is Seaton Delaval Hall. This National Trust property can be found in Northumberland just up the coast
OHD_WRT_0121 the code/manifesto
The manifesto below is based off Meirle Laderman Ukeles’ Manifesto for Maintenance Art. This the code of ethics outlined in by Mike Monterio in Ruined by Design. I am using this as a base for my code of ethics for
OHD_PRS_0120 The Unseen: Maintenance Labour on Heritage Sites
// “To invent the sailing ship or steamer is to invent the the shipwreck. To invent the train is to invent the rail accident of derailment. To invent the family automobile is to produce the pile-up on the highway.” (Virilio,
OHD_LST_0119 words
Acousmatic Sound Acousmatic sound is sound that is heard without an originating cause being seen. The word acousmatic, from the French acousmatique, is derived from the Greek word akousmatikoi (ἀκουσματικοί), which referred to probationary pupils of the philosopher Pythagoras who were required to sit in absolute silence while they
OHD_PRS_0118 🏛⏳🏺📜: Connecting with history through our screen
This was not a very good paper. I was very busy and I did not put my whole heart in it, which is always a shame. But a learning moment to remember to plan these things better Slides Script Since
OHD_BLG_0039 It’s not my problem
There is a problem within the National Trust’s storage system (SharePoint) that is sadly a consequence of democratisation. SharePoint is a complete mess and no one really knows what is going on or who to ask about what is going
OHD_BLG_0041 The winds of change are blowing…
I feel there is a change in the wind… Specifically people are starting to think more long term about their projects, they are becoming more archive focused. This is not too surprising there is a reason my PhD is happening
OHD_BLG_0042 What do you mean not digital?
Whenever I mention my ideas for analogue archiving solutions to anyone the reaction I get is a blank stare shifty follow by a change in subject. When I was venting about this recurring experience to my mother, she did not
OHD_BLG_0043 Philosophy is easier than reality
On Monday 11th April 2022 I attended and ran a workshop at the Seaton Delaval Hall Community Research Day. It was an exceptionally interesting affair and mostly certain did not go the way I imagined. If I had to sum