OHD_WRT_0273 The Trust: stories of the nation
With 1700 recordings of radio programmes, oral history interviews, and field recordings, how many stories lie waiting to be uncovered in the National Trust Sound Collection? In May and June 2023 I carried out an access and copyright audit on
OHD_GRP_0260 Oral history at the National Trust Poster
OHD_WRT_0243 The digital needs of the Research Room
The Research Room digital infrastructure is set up in this way The Research Room digital infrastructure is not there to support permeant preservation. It is possible that we might need to build in a system where the contents of the
OHD_DSF_0240 Heritage Surrogates after climate disaster
Hello welcome. My name is Hannah and today I want to take you through a couple fo examples of how our surrogates collection has helped us recreate heritage in times of great loss. Just for those who do not know
OHD_DSN_0225 The first draft design of the Seaton Delaval Hall sound walk
OHD_WRT_0177 NT oral history experience
To date I have collected ten oral history interviews with a wide range of people associated with Seaton Delaval Hall, from former residents to National Trust staff and volunteers. Overall, the experience has been positive for both myself and those
OHD_SPS_0161 National Trust collection at British Library
OHD_PRS_0125 Oral History’s Design: Sustaining visitor (re)use of oral histories on heritage sites
On 26 March I presented my first paper during a series of Digital Heritage Workshops organised by Lancaster University and IIT Indore. It was really scary and weird. I didn’t feel looked after at all. I also presented something that
OHD_PRS_0124 Presentation/Interview
Below is the presentation I had to do in order to be chosen as the student to complete this PhD. The interview took place on Feb 18th 2020 and the question I had to answer was, “What are the key
OHD_BLG_0063 A Spanner, a Chat and a Gang
Subheading: a meeting with Lucy Porten Bad news first? Or good news first? Lets end on a positive… The Spanner So… The National Trust is not an archive. Every recording is stored at the British Library and you have to