The Research Room digital infrastructure is set up in this way The Research Room digital infrastructure is not there to support permeant preservation. It is possible that we might need to build in a system where the contents of the
OHD_RPT_0198 Round 1 – Research Room Design
OHD_DSN_0197 Research Room Index prototype
Title/File Name DateYYYY/MM/DD (if possible) Date CataloguedYYYY/MM/DD Catalogued by Information Location(s) Copyright Notes Title of materialOR file name in SharePoint When was the item made.OR if it is a transcript or a copy, this section refers to the creation date
OHD_WRT_0196 Research Room Information Sheet
OHD_RPT_0195 Research Room Guide
OHD_FRM_0194 Research Room Agreement
OHD_FRM_0193 Research Room Acquisition Proposal
OHD_FRM_0192 Research Room Acquisition Copyright form
OHD_FRM_0191 Research Room Donation Acceptance Form
Research Donation Agreement Form The National Trust is happy to accept your donation for it to be stored and made available in the Research Room. This means your item is not fully protected from damage or lost by the National
OHD_FRM_0190 Archive Donation Acceptance Form
Archive Donation Agreement Form The National Trust is happy to accept your donation for preservation and care in an archival setting and for a version to be made available in the Seaton Delaval Hall Research Room. The purpose of this