This is the index to the archive of my project. This archive will have mistakes because I am the only one who manages it. Something is entered into the archive when it is considered part of the project. However, sometimes items have been removed during the project as I have learnt more about archives. For example, as I became more aware of copyright and data protection, archival items which I believe violated these rules were removed (OHD_SCP_0139). I also removed material I believed did contribute to the research in an effort to minimise the amount of server space and therefore energy I need,1 but also to not create such a large archive that it becomes akin to – “the dustbin of history”.2 Backing up my archival items also became pressing as according Jill Lepore, “the average life of a Web page is about a hundred days”.3 And in the wake of the British Library backs up are useful to say the least.

The format of the archival codes

OHD_XXX_NNNN = oral history design _ the medium category _ the order in which it was archived


Access acquisition affect Analogue Archive Archives Archiving catalogue change Climate Change Climate Crisis Collaboration Collection Community conservation Copyright culture curation Data Data Protection Design Design Fiction Design Thinking Dialogue Digital Digital archives Digital Heritage Dynamic Ethics Funding Future Heritage Heritage Sites History Indexing Infrastructure Infrastructuring Intangible Heritage Internet interpretation Interview Interviewing Labour Language Maintenance maintenance art maintenance design Money National Trust NCBS online Oral History oral history recordings Oral History Technology Power Process professionalisation Project Project Plan Projects Reading Group Recordings Reflection Research Research Room Reuse Seaton Delaval Hall Silicone Valley Slow Scholarship Social Media Space Storage Stories surrogates Technology Testing The British Library Training Wicked Problem Workshop

CodeCreation Date Title Contents summary TagsLocations
OHD_DRW_000120210900No Man’s Land drawing An artistic interpretation of the feeling of using an archive. Charcoal on paper ripped from a ring bound sketchbook. Depicts human sitting next to a robots in a dark space surrounded by light orbs connected by threads. Used as the front cover of the document “No man’s land” (OHD_RPT_0134). Creation date unknown, assumed to be late September 2021. 

The drawing came from what I felt I wanted archives to be. Even though I had not yet come across the concept of design fictions, it clearly is an example of a design fiction. Using a fictional scenario to inspire designs. This drawing made me question what I wanted from an archive-like space and led me to make the document “No man’s land”.
drawing ; art ; charcoal ; archive ; robot ; human ; affect ; light ; dark ; feeling ; no man’s land ; sketch HJL’s home
OHD_PST_000220200000Ma post-it Light pink post-it with the Japanese symbol for the concept ‘Ma’ meaning the beauty and importance found in negative space. Creation date unknown, assumed to be late 2020.

I became interested in this because of the idea that the spaces in archives also tell us a story.
Ma ; space ; empty ; post-it ; concept ; beautyHJL's home
OHD_PPR_000320210900Printed of version of Mierle Laderman Ukeles’ Manifesto for Maintenance Art 1969!A printed off copy of a typed up version of the artist Mierle Laderman Ukeles’ Manifesto for Maintenance Art 1969! with highlighted sections by me (HJL). Creation date unknown, assumed to be mid to late September 2021. The print out spent most of the time hanging above my work desk as the ideas in it became the central philosophy of the research.maintenance ; maintenance art ; Mierle Laderman Ukeles ; Manifesto HJL's home ; ONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_NTB_000420200101PhD notebook January 2020 to 27th January 2021Notebook from the period before the official start of the PhD. Includes notes on the application process, grammar and writing techniques, the Oral History Collective reading group, talks, lectures and literature. Also contains drafts of blog posts and presentations, and ideas. And several free writes from a writing workshop. notes ; reading group ; talks ; archiving ; paperwork ; application process ; writing ; writing techniques ; pre-PhD ; free writes ; meetings ; oral history HJL's home
OHD_NTB_000520210128PhD notebook 28th January 2021 to 12th March 2021Notebook from the first few months of the PhD. Contains notes on chats, lectures, workshops, meetings, reading group, and papers. Training Needs Analysis work. A free write on the 21st century ghost.notes ; reading group ; talks ; archiving ; digital ; ghosts ; archives ; free writes ; meetings ; theory ; oral history HJL's home
OHD_NTB_000620210314PhD notebook 14th March 2021 to 5th May 2021Notebook from the Spring of 2021. Contains notes on lectures, workshops, meetings, reading group, and literature. Plans for presentations, workshops, and blog posts. Notes for the presentations: Oral History Design and How to build an archive. Notes on the Break the Archive workshop.theory ; notes ; reading group ; talks ; workshops ; digital ; design ; presentations ; archives ; podcasting ; oral historyHJL's home
OHD_NTB_000720210506PhD notebook 6th May 2021 to 7th July 2021Notebook from the late Spiring and early Summer of 2021. Contains notes on meetings, reading group, lectures, literature. Plans for presentations and blog posts. Notes on the second Seaton Delaval Hall project done by Northumbria University Multidisciplinary innovation students which was the project that built on the initial Seaton Delaval Hall project, which also evolved into the PhD. Notes for the presentations: Only time will tell, How to build an archive, …and then dada broke into the archive, Oral History Design Flash presentation, and Connecting through our screen. Notes on the Break the Archive workshop and report. Seaton Delaval Hall ; MDI ; Multidisciplinary Innovation MA ; presentations ; workshops ; digital ; archives ; oral history ; notes ; literature ; talks HJL's home
OHD_SCP_000820210500Newspaper cutout “Facebook teaches AI to ‘forget’ data” Small article cut out from the i newspaper about how the social networking firm Facebook has taught an artificial intelligence system to forget information. Creation date unknown, assumed to be mid May 2021.

In her short paper, Why keep it? Throw it in the ‘dustbin of history’, Tilli Tansey paints a vivid image of the ever increasing number of medical papers and other information on medical sciences. This paper was presented in 1999 well before the rise of Youtube, TikTok and the concept of content creator. As Tansey concludes we must create “a programmed death of some medical literature so that the rest may survive” which seems to be exactly what this program is trying to do.
digital ; artificial intelligence ; Facebook ; newspaper ; data ; forgetPhD notebook 6th May 2021 to 7th July 2021 (OHD_NTB_0007) ; ONLINE
OHD_NTB_000920210708PhD notebook 8th July 2021 to 12th October 2021Notebook from the middle part of the first year of the PhD. Contains notes on meetings, literature, reading groups, talks, ideas, and the final presentation of the second Seaton Delaval Hall project done by Northumbria University Multidisciplinary innovation students. Plan for the document No Man’s Land. Prep questions for oral history interviews. Notes of the transcription ribbon and no man’s land.Archivist ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; MDI ; Multidisciplinary Innovation MA ; digital ; archives ; oral history ; notes ; literature ; talks ; meetings ; maintenance ; mutual aid ; no man’s land ; reading group ; oral history interviews HJL's home
OHD_RPT_001020190800Multidisciplinary Innovation MA 2018-2019 Final Project Report - Seaton Delaval HallThe final project report of the Seaton Delaval Hall project, which was a final project for the Multidisciplinary Innovation MA and part of Seaton Delaval Hall’s Rising Stars Project. The Rising Stars project was a series of projects which were a collaboration between the National Trust property Seaton Delaval Hall and Northumbria University. It contains designs for group interviews, concepts of an archive, and ideas of displaying oral histories. Exact creation date unknown, assumed to have been printed in the Summer of 2019.

Seaton Delaval Hall ; MDI ; Multidisciplinary Innovation MA ; archives ; oral history ; design ; innovation ; group interviews ; presenting oral history ; National Trust ; Rising Stars ; Northumbria University ; project reportHJL's home
OHD_MDM_001120220411360˚ brain dump from the Seaton Delaval Hall Research Community workshopThe brain dump from a workshop done during the Seaton Delaval Hall Research Community Day 11th April 2022. The participants were tasked to dissect the term “360˚” which was taking from one of Seaton Delaval Hall aims: “Building new knowledge from multiple perspectives. Generating 360 degree interpretation involving communities in telling their stories and sharing their knowledge.” Used the design perspective of a PhD by Practice ; Part of the SDH community workshop (OHD_WKS_0207) and discussed in OHD_BLG_0043.Seaton Delaval Hall ; Research Community ; 360˚ ; Heritage ; research ; workshop ; brain dump ; collaboration ; National Trust ; access ; historyArchive Box 1 (OHD_PRT_0038) ; HJL's home ; OHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_PPR_001220190700Print out of Michael Frisch’s chapter Three Dimensions and More. This chapter was printed out during the Multidisciplinary Innovation MA final project with Seaton Delaval. The chapter was recommended by Graham Smith. It has been read several times and highlighted with different pens over the years as opinions have changed. It was also part of an Oral History Unit and Collective reading group. Used the oral history perspective of a PhD by Practice. Creation date unknown, assumed to summer of 2019.Oral History ; Archive ; Archiving oral history ; raw ; cooked ; Michael Frisch ; Reading ; research ; deep dark secret Archive Box 1 (OHD_PRT_0038) ; OHD_COL_0220 ; ONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_BOK_001320190000Ruined by Design by Mike Monteiro Zine versionThe zine version of Mike Monteiro’s Ruined by Design an angry book on the activities and mistakes of silicone valley and its designing inhabitants. Used the design perspective of a PhD by Practice. Published in 2019. Pages seems to be missing, suspect a dog eat them.

Was used to inspire my code of design OHD_WRT_0121 the code/manifesto
digital ; Silicone Valley ; Design ; ethics ; reading ; research Archive Box 1 (OHD_PRT_0038) ; Hannah's Home
OHD_DSN_001420210900Designs for archive both analogue and digital Several A3 pages with designs for analogue and design oral history archive ideas. Including the archive/vandal box, which later became ghost box. Featured in No Man’s Land report (OHD_RPT_0134) Creation date unknown, assumed to be Autumn 2021.

These are designs coming from the drawing of no man’s land. In between the archive and chaos lies a type of curation. Which can then later be explored. A type of content creation. More content. But the analogue might be the only thing thats survives. Is it a possible option to keeps these interpretations
digital ; analogue ; design ; archive ; digital ; concept ; drawings ; oral history ; access ; interpretation ; feedback ; dynamicArchive Box 1 (OHD_PRT_0038)
OHD_PRT_001520220407Fake headlines to be used as stimulants Fake headlines to be used as creative stimulants in a workshop during the Seaton Delaval Hall Research Community Day. The headlines include themes of the climate crisis, ethical and data issues, COVID-19 and pop culture. In the end they were not used. During the Seaton Delaval Hall Research Community Day (OHD_WKS_0207) Design thinking ; workshop ; creative stimulant ; news ; headlines ; climate crisis ; Covid-19 ; Memory ; Remembrance ; Pop cultureArchive Box 1 (OHD_PRT_0038)
OHD_PRT_001620220214The first attempt at cataloguing the project’s archiveFirst attempt at cataloguing the project’s archive. The categories were: create, display, historical maintenance, background maintenance, concept, and misc. Declared a failure as the categories no longer felt appropriate a week later. Formerly a blog post. Maintenance ; Cataloguing ; categories ; obsolete ; design ; archiving ; personal archive ; fail ; archive ; prototypeArchive Box 1 (OHD_PRT_0038) ; HJL's home
OHD_MDM_001720210209Mind map about personal dataVery small mind map about archiving personal data. Archiving ; Archive ; Data ; digital ; Ethics ; policy Archive Box 1 (OHD_PRT_0038) ; OHD_Archive
OHD_MDM_001820210222The sound lens mind map A mind map about society’s relationship with sound, how it has changed over time. Noise pollution has made silence a privilege within a living environment. Yet with invention of the portable music player people constantly want curated sound input. We want control over what we hear.Sound ; music ; technology ; headphones ; silence ; audio ; inequality ; curation ; power Archive Box 1 (OHD_PRT_0038) ; OHD_Archive
OHD_MDM_001920210217Mind map about labour and the archive Mind map about labour and the archive. Exploring ideas of free fan labour, data mining and trade. Labour ; archive ; archiving ; fan labour ; free labour ; volunteering ; data ; information ; tradeArchive Box 1 (OHD_PRT_0038) ; ONLINE
OHD_MDM_002020210223Mind map on affect Mind map about affect, affect/emotional labour, and affect in the archive.Affect ; emotional labour ; labour ; archive ; archiving ; art Archive Box 1 (OHD_PRT_0038) ; OHD_Archive
OHD_MDM_002120210224The digital Attitude (Harvesting) mind map Mind map discussion the original intentions of the internet and the difference between the dream and the reality. Addressing issues around access and community. Internet ; digital ; Community ; Sharing ; Access ; digital ; technology ; obsolescence Archive Box 1 (OHD_PRT_0038) ; HJL's Home ; ONLINE
OHD_MDM_002220210308Mind map of Archive metaphorsMind map dissecting the language we use to describe the archive and how this affects our attitudes and feelings. The dust, the quiet, and the fact that if something is in the archive it must be true. Archive ; Language ; Archiving ; Silence ; truth ; gatekeepers ; exclusiveArchive Box 1 (OHD_PRT_0038) ; HJL's Home ; ONLINE
OHD_MDM_002320210224Mind map on storage Mind map on storage and what storage means to people. What is the opposite of storage. Archive ; archiving ; storage ; hoarding ; protecting ; accessArchive Box 1 (OHD_PRT_0038) ; HJL's Home ; ONLINE
OHD_MDM_002420210215Mind map storage versus reuseA two sheet mind map exploring the relationship between reuse (red) and storage (blue). Dissecting what each means and then seeing how you could create a balance between them (purple). It consists of two sheets of A2. I did this it explore these related but contradictory elements of the archives. Archive ; archiving ; access ; collaboration ; history ; storage ; preservation ; protection ; dynamicArchive Box 1 (OHD_PRT_0038) ; HJL's Home ; ONLINE
OHD_MDM_002520210301Mind map: Project plan and Project Summary A mind map of the project plan (the how) and the project summary (the what + why). It consists of two sheets of A2. It shows how I wanted to do many activities. Archive ; People ; Design Archive Box 1 (OHD_PRT_0038) ; ONLINE ; HJL's Home
OHD_MDM_002620210304Project Timeline early 2021A rough plan for the project timeline. Has changed a lot since. Disappeared. Sadly.
Project ; Plan ; methods ; testing Archive Box 1 (OHD_PRT_0038)
OHD_MDM_002720210200Presentation plan for CDA interviewThe plan for the presentation giving during the interview during the application process of this CDA. Plan for presentation OHD_PRS_0124 Creation date unknown, assumed to be some time in February 2020.Design ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; Process ; Oral History ; Heritage ; Project Archive Box 1 (OHD_PRT_0038) ; HJL's Home
OHD_MDM_002820210210Answer to questions about project Brain storming answers to several project related questions. Early on in the project. It consists of two sheets of A2. Design ; Project ; Process ; Methods ; Aims ; Oral history ; Heritage ; ResearchingArchive Box 1 (OHD_PRT_0038) ; ONLINE ; HJL's Home
OHD_MDM_002920210430How to build a communityMind map asking how to build a community and what people build communities around. Community ; Design ; building ; society Archive Box 1 (OHD_PRT_0038) ; ONLINE
OHD_MDM_003020210401Mind map: Dialogue (the Seaton Delaval scenario)Mind map about what types of dialogue and conversations should happening at Seaton Delaval Hall. Conversation ; dialogue ; decolonisation ; environnement ; climate crisis ; deindustrialisation ; classArchive Box 1 (OHD_PRT_0038) ; ONLINE
OHD_MDM_003120210408Mind map of project and project outcomesMind map planning a text on the project progress, which might never have be written. Project ; Plan ; methods ; aims ; outcomes ; Oral history ; DesignArchive Box 1 (OHD_PRT_0038) ; OHD_Archive
OHD_MDM_003220210416Beasties of the archiveMind map using “beasties” to explore the different metaphors of the archive and its language. Especially looking at ego documents and the effect the archive has on someone’s legacy, AKA the ghosts. Robots became the workers of the archives. Archives ; Archive ; Archiving ; Beasties ; Ghost ; Robot ; Metaphor ; language ; AI ; Care ; Duty of Care ; Eco system ; Future ; Gardens ; Human ; Responsibility ; Robots ; Time ; UndeadArchive Box 1 (OHD_PRT_0038) ; ONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_MDM_003320210500The shelter for phantom voices Plan for different episodes of a podcast title The Shelter for Phantom Voices. The aim of the podcast was to explore the difficulties of oral history archiving through examples of oral history projects. Creation date unknown, assumed to be May 2021 after a podcast workshop. Podcast ; audio ; plan ; Oral history ; mistakes ; storytellingArchive Box 1 (OHD_PRT_0038)
OHD_BLG_00342021022021st Century GhostUnpublished blog post about personal data and archived information and people’s perception of these two “ghosts” of themselves. Ghost ; archive ; data ; digital ; technology ; ethics ; permission ; archiving ONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_RPT_003520211006Alien in Residence An interactive PDF of the experience so far during the Autumn of 2021. Specifically discussing HJL’s feelings of being a none oral historian. Touches on ideas of the effect technology is having on archiving and how it is affecting the meaning of archiving. It also offers possible new meanings and emphasises the importance of maintenance labour and the climate crisis. This version includes comments by Graham Smith.Oral history ; archive ; archiving ; oral history archive ; recordings ; digital ; climate crisis ; energy ; maintenance ; labour ; design ; language ; meaning ; slow scholarship ; ethics ; technology ; artOHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_SCT_003620210212Script for animation explaining the project A script for an animation that was never made but was meant to explain the project to people. Animation never made. Project ; communication ; oral history ; design ; CDAOHD_Archive
OHD_SCT_003720210521Script for podcast The Shelter for phantom voices A script for a podcast that was never made titled, The Shelter for Phantom Voices. Podcast never made.

Podcast ; audio ; Oral history ; design ; process ; creative OHD_Archive
OHD_PRT_003820220715Archive Box 1A box I was going to use to hold my paper archive, however the cat used it as a litter tray. The physical item does not exist anymore only images of the destroyed version.

Fun example of how random destruction can happen whenever. (Although I could have seen this coming)
Archive ; project ; archiving ; destruction ; damage ; conservation Under Hannah's desk at her house ; ONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_BLG_003920220806It's not my problem A blog post about how removal of gatekeepers in archival spaces can lead too chaos because then no one has any ownership over the space Archive ; Archives ; Archivist ; digital ; Internet ; Maintenance ; Ownership ; ResponsibilityONLINE
OHD_BLG_004020220705Is half a loaf better?A summary of my experience with the archiving oral histories training Archive ; Archiving ; Development ; Maintenance ; Oral History ; Oral History recording ; TrainingOffline
OHD_BLG_004120220513The winds of change are blowingA quick bit of writing on how I was feeling a slight movement towards projects becoming more archive focused and thinking about reusing archival material Archiving ; Dynamic ; Funding ; Heritage ; Long-termONLINE
OHD_BLG_004220220512What do you mean not digital?A post on how everyone believes digital is the only solution while ignoring the importance of maintenanceAnalogue ; digital, digital archives ; digital solutions ; Heritage ; Problem Solving ; TechnologyONLINE
OHD_BLG_004320220412Philosophy is easier then realityA reflection on the SDH creative community workshop and how hard it is to get people to think practically. SDH creative community workshop (OHD_WKS_0207)Coffee House ; Community ; Conversations ; Design ; Heritage ; Interpreters ; Reality ; Research ; WorkshopONLINE
OHD_BLG_004420220404To archive or to exhibit: A SPECTURMDiscussing the need for archiving and different levels of accessibilityArchiving ; Designing ; Exhibitions ; Planning ; Projects ; Resources ; TimeONLINE
OHD_BLG_004520220404Leaching off Public History MA tripsThe things I learnt while tagging along with the Public History MA intense week. One was about funding and the other is about the democratisation of spaceDemocracy ; Funding ; Heritage ; Money ; Power ; Reflection ; SpaceONLINE
OHD_BLG_004620220324the nerd filterhow the level of passion someone has for a topic can work as an excellent risk filter. It is a trade, you can see the risky items if you spend a lot of your time in the archive Archives ; Community ; Ethics ; nerds ; Research ; tradeONLINE
OHD_BLG_004720220225Delete as appropriate: Bad/Good Slow/FastThis post came from a meeting I had about slow design. This post is an exploration of the good and bad bits of slow and fast designDesign ; Ethics ; Failing ; Prototyping ; Slow Design ; Slow Scholarship ; TestingONLINE
OHD_BLG_004820220217The right to repair 🛠About the right to repair and maintaining things instead of having to buy new things all the time. Design ; Design Thinking ; Maintenance ; Power ; Repair ; Right to RepairONLINE
OHD_BLG_004920220202Testing archivesHow testing out a prototype for an archive is not possible because I do not have enough timeDesign ; Long-term ; Prototyping ; TestingONLINE
OHD_BLG_005020220118I don't talk goodMe struggling to read transcripts digital ; Researching ; Reuse ; Searching ; TranscriptOffline
OHD_BLG_005120211028Who are you talking to?About how oral history recordings are things that are made and whether they require an audience to be activated into an oral history, like how art needs an audience to be called art Archiving ; Collaboration ; Creating ; Listening ; Making ; Oral History ; RecordingsOffline
OHD_BLG_005220210916It's all about the cleaners About maintenance and Mierle Laderman UkelesCleaning ; digital ; digital archives ; Feminism ; Maintenance ; Silicone ValleyONLINE
OHD_BLG_005320210901see sound on visual transcripts. OHD_PRT_0221 and OHD_DSN_0222digital ; Environment ; Layers ; Reuse ; Sound ; Transcript ; VisualOffline
OHD_BLG_005420210803Stay Healthy!Talking about how we have become cyborgs and how we should look after our digital extensions betterCyborg ; digital ; digital Health ; RobotsONLINE
OHD_BLG_005520210727Let's do it slowly sometimesAbout slow scholarship and the project cycle which leads to doomed outcomesCapitalism ; Funding ; Intermittent Scholarship ; Money ; Slow ScholarshipONLINE
OHD_BLG_005620210726Why fonts matterGetting upset about fonts and archive interfaces. Play this (at the British Library only) OHD_RPT_0132 Design ; digital ; digital archives ; Fonts ; Graphic Design ; WebpagesOffline
OHD_BLG_005720210726RIP ROHow i had to remove the use of a metaphor in the writing up of the Play this (at the British Library only) report OHD_RPT_0132 AI ; Design ; digital ; Networks ; Relationships ; Robots ; WritingOffline
OHD_BLG_005820210610More words pleaseMy need to have more words to describe the different elements of oral history Design ; Feminism ; Language ; Oral History ; WordsONLINE
OHD_BLG_005920210430Metro Meeting My write up of the experience of watching oral historians brainstorm without post it notes. It was fun. Brainstorming ; Creative Thinking ; Design Thinking ; Duty of Care ; Ethics ; Human ; Oral HistoryONLINE
OHD_BLG_006020210428Creative TensionsMy thoughts on the paper "from conflict to catalyst: using critical conflict as a creative device in design-led innovation practiceCreative tensions ; Design ; Design Thinking ; Empathy ; Ethics ; Wicked Problems ; WorkshopsONLINE
OHD_BLG_006120210427(っ◔◡◔)っ Podcasting ♥ FUN ♥A very cheery note on how much I enjoyed the podcasting workshop. see more podcasting fun with OHD_SCT_0037 and OHD_MDM_0033. Includes the quote "information is giving out. communication is getting through."Communication ; digital archives ; Oral History ; Podcast ; Podcasting ; ThinkingONLINE
OHD_BLG_006220210427Create a bitA reflection on a creaton I took part in. I concluded I don't want to design clear cut ideas but rather new ways of thinking Creating ; Creative ; Design ; Design Thinking ; ThinkingONLINE
OHD_BLG_006320210422A Spanner, a Chat and a GangMe finding out about the British Library being the place where the National Trust's oral history recordings goArchive ; National Trust ; Network ; Power ; The British LibraryONLINE
OHD_BLG_006420210420Let go of the ideaThoughts on design as a product or a processAnti-capitalism ; Capitalism ; Creativity ; Design ; Ideas ; ProcessOffline
OHD_BLG_006520210415New words among other thingsMore thoughts on the paper "community archives and the health of the internet Academia ; Archive ; Care ; digital archives ; Duty of Care ; Ethics ; Language ; Research ; Responsible ; Reuse ; Social MediaONLINE
OHD_BLG_006620210413An Archival ImpulseThoughts on an archival impulse by Hal Foster affect ; Archival Art ; Archive ; Art ; Ghost ; TimeONLINE
OHD_BLG_006720210401Sites of ConscienceThoughts on the paper "Sites of conscience)"Community ; Conflict ; Dialogue ; Dynamic ; Future ; HeritageONLINE
OHD_BLG_006820210330it's always languageReflection on structuralism and post-structuralism and post-modernism Aural ; Communication ; Kinetic ; Language ; Philosophy ; Verbal ; VisualONLINE
OHD_BLG_006920210330Uncreative Zoom CallMy first experience presenting a paper ever and it was over zoom. I missed the mingling afterwards. The paper was OHD_PRS_0125COVID ; COVID-19 ; Creative Communication ; Crit ; Design discourse ; Seminar ; WorkshopONLINE
OHD_BLG_007020210318Reading Group - 16/03/21Summary of the reading group with the theme of reuseEthics ; Oral History ; Reading Group ; Reflection ; ReuseONLINE
OHD_BLG_007120210318Truth .v. ExperienceA reflection after the murder of Sarah Everard and how statistically women are less likely to be attacked on the street than men but that the fear of being attack overrules this completely. An argument for oral history. Capturing feelings not stats. experience ; memory ; Story ; truthOffline
OHD_BLG_007220210301Community archives and the health of the internetThoughts on the paper "community archives and the health of the internet BAM Archives ; Community ; Counter Archives ; Longevity ; Oral Tradition ; Social Media ; SustainabilityONLINE
OHD_BLG_007320210226anti antiAbout how after a talk where someone mention how Spinoza would create a fictional opposite of a concept to get a better understanding of the concept. It is basically the mind map on storage (OHD_MDM_0023)Anti- ; Design Thinking ; Spinoza ; Storage ; ToolONLINE
OHD_BLG_007420210226Archival Discoveries and Discussions - 25/02/21Reflection on a "workshop" titled archival discoveries and discussions. I asked a question about brick and mortar archives versus digital archivesArchives ; Brick and Mortar Archives ; Counter Archives ; Counter Reading ; COVID-19 ; digital archives ; DigitisationONLINE
OHD_BLG_007520210226Texts, Images and Sounds Seminars SummaryA summary of my thoughts on the seminar series. affect ; Archive ; Image ; Labour ; Metaphor ; Recordings ; Sound ; TechnologyONLINE
OHD_BLG_007620210225ʇǝɹɔǝs ʞɹɐp ǝɥʇthe connection between technology and oral history Capitalism ; Deep Dark Secret ; digital ; digital archives ; Future ; Link Rot ; Oral History ; Past ; Silicone Valley ; Social MediaONLINE
OHD_BLG_007720219218RE-MIX (reading group - 16/02/21)Reflection on the reading group. Topic reuse. Academia ; Archive ; Oral History ; Pop Culture ; Power ; Re-mixing ; Reading GroupONLINE
OHD_BLG_007820210217it's SFGlooking at oral history recordings through an artistic lensArt ; Context ; GoldsmithsOffline
OHD_BLG_007920210216The cinematic Mode of ProductionThoughts on the cinematic mode of production by Jonathan Beller. mostly thought on free labour Communism ; Feminism ; Labour ; Marx ; Socialist ArchivesOffline
OHD_BLG_008020210209The Virtual Roomsthe advancement of virtual and more audio focused spaces App ; Audio ; digital ; Social Media ; Streaming ; Technology ; Virtual ; Virtual SpacesONLINE
OHD_BLG_008120210209The History of IdeasThoughts on an introduction to the United Nations intellectual history projects digital archives ; Ideas ; Process ; Reading SummaryONLINE
OHD_BLG_008220210208The diverse feminist experiencealso found in the list of experiments (OHD_LST_0128)Diversity ; History ; Oral History ; SubjectivityONLINE
OHD_BLG_008320210208PhD student seeking...also found in the list of experiments (OHD_LST_0128)Collaboration ; Design ; Design discourseONLINE
OHD_BLG_008420210208Pop-Up Archivealso found in the list of experiments (OHD_LST_0128)Alternative Archives ; Analogue ; Archives ; COVID-19 ; digital ; Ethics ; GDPRONLINE
OHD_BLG_008520210802The Shelter for Phantom Voicesalso found in the list of experiments (OHD_LST_0128) and of course connected to the script for the never made podcast shelter for phantom voices (OHD_SCT_0037)Audio ; History ; Mind Palace ; Oral History ; Podcast ; StoriesONLINE
OHD_BLG_008620210204Archives are adventuresA blog post on why I have the same feelings in archives as I do playing video games. Idea continues in no man's land (OHD_RPT_0134)Archive ; Design-driven Innovation ; Feeling ; Story ; Video GamesOffline
OHD_BLG_008720210204Design Thinking Sprint report - 03/02/21a report on a design thinking sprint Data ; Design ; Design Sprint ; Design Thinking ; Information ; Silicone ValleyONLINE
OHD_BLG_008820210202Writing workshop - 20/01/21 & 22/01/21Reflection on a writing workshop AND a bit of writing on the idea of a collateral archive and documentation in the digital worldAnalogue ; digital ; Internet ; Letters ; Post Its ; WritingOffline
OHD_BLG_008920210201Reading Group - 19/01/2021Reflection on the reading group with the topic training versus teaching Reading Group ; Reflection ; Teaching ; Tool Box ; TrainingONLINE
OHD_BLG_009020210122Parlersome thoughts on the Parler debacle. Parler being the right-wing alternative to twitter digital archives ; Parler ; Servers ; Silicone Valley ; Social MediaONLINE
OHD_BLG_009120210122The Search Bar VS ClickbaitThoughts on doing research when you are working with an algorithm versus research in an archive which is more or less lead by yourself Algorithms ; Clickbait ; Provo ; Research ; Search Bars ; SearchingOffline
OHD_BLG_009220201230I'm scaredMy thoughts on the archive I am making through my research and also the data being mined off me and how all this might be used against me. (basically its about cancel culture)Archive ; Collateral Archive ; Data ; Ghost ; Haunted Archives ; Non-Linear ; Research ; SketchbookOffline
OHD_BLG_009320201117Oral History ➡️ DesignA blog post on how oral history can inform design practice. A forerunner for institutional memory.Archive ; Collaboration ; Collateral Archive ; Design ; Ethics ; Interview ; Oral History ; ProcessONLINE
OHD_BLG_009420201114The Abstract Archive and the Material ArchiveA blog post about the difference between the concept of the archive versus the reality of brick and mortar archives. For a funny version of this see OHD_SSH_0151Abstract Archive ; Archive ; Material Archive ; Silicone ValleyONLINE
OHD_BLG_009520201114Replaceda sentence about how i hope an AI won't be able to write my PhD after I feed this website into itData ; digital ; ProcessONLINE
OHD_BLG_009620201111The little tiny matter of ethicsAbout ethics and design and the book Ruined by Design by Mike Monteiro (OHD_BOK_0013)Design ; Ethics ; Silicone ValleyONLINE
OHD_BLG_009720201104ghost art 👻Ideas on how to make haunted/ghost archive. ghosts are a recurring theme.Art ; Haunted Archives ; haunting ; Installation ; design Offline
OHD_BLG_009820201030Workshop: Oral History and COVID 19my thoughts on a zoom workshop on oral history and covid. And how people had to think about different interviewing techniquesCOVID-19 ; Interviewee ; Interviewer ; Interviewing ; Interviewing Space ; Listening ; OwnershipONLINE
OHD_BLG_009920201028My GhostMe releasing that blogging is like creating different ghost versions of yourself that you can be haunted by Ghost ; haunting ; ResearchONLINE
OHD_BLG_010020201026Do we look back on the digital?Asking how we are going to handle the vast amount of born digital itemsdigital ; Searching ONLINE
OHD_BLG_010120201026Reading Group - 20/10/20Thoughts on he reading group with the topic oral history and the environment. A lot of thoughts on who you do/don't interviewClimate Change ; Community ; Environment ; Oral History ; Reading GroupONLINE
OHD_BLG_010220201026digital FORAYS: ARCHIVES & ACTIVATION // ARTISTS AND ACCESSThoughts on a talk about archives in the middle east. How resolute is archiving?Archive ; Coffee House ; digital ; digital archives, ; Living Archive ; Re-mixingONLINE
OHD_BLG_010320201014Process (or why Hand Of should win the Turner Prize)Basically about how I believe there is a trend towards focusing on process rather than products. every maintenance ideasArt ; Collaboration ; Education ; Hand Of ; ProcessONLINE
OHD_BLG_010420201014The Ghost under my BedArchives are full of ghosts Collaboration ; COVID-19 ; Ethics ; Haunted Archives ; ScrapbookOffline
OHD_BLG_010520201013👆A post about how I and everyone else was missing physical touch during the COVID-19 lockdownsAnalogue ; COVID-19 ; PhysicalONLINE
OHD_BLG_010620201013Starting blocks... Avery short blog post about how I was struggling to know where to start researching Research ONLINE
OHD_BLG_010720201013digital FORAYS: ARCHIVES & ACTIVATION // PLATFORMS AND PUBLICSThoughts about archives in the middle. Archives as collateral, as ghosts. Conflicted feelings about the digital and decolonisation. Archive ; Collateral Archive ; COVID-19 ; digital archives ; decolonisationONLINE
OHD_BLG_010820201001Tagging A post about my own tagging system for the blog post and how it is already failing. mentions talk discussed in OHD_BLG_0107COVID ; Democracy ; digital archives ; Ethics ; Searching ; Tagging ; TimeOffline
OHD_BLG_010920201001Reading Group 22/09/2020Notes on the reading group with the topic trauma and oral historyArchive ; Capturing ; Reading ; Reading Group ; Taboo ; Transcribing ; TraumaONLINE
OHD_BLG_011020200722Reading group - 21/07/2020Notes on reading group about group oral history interviews Group Interviews ; oral history ; reading group ONLINE
OHD_BLG_011120200629#BLMabout Black Lives matter and the reading group which was about black oral history (ish)#BLM ; Activism ; Archive ; Inequality ; Race ; Reading ; ReflectionONLINE
OHD_BLG_011220200616Romeo and/or JulietComparing choose your own adventure books to archives. And wonderings about the importance of randomisation in researchAdventure ; Book ; Choice ; COVID-19 ; Non-Linear ; Randomisation ; Research ; Searching ; StoryONLINE
OHD_BLG_011320200609Denim JacketMy musings on how my pimped denim jacket is like an archive. it was the first covid lockdown. I was bored.Archive ; COVID-19 ; Crafts ; Documentation ; SewingONLINE
OHD_BLG_011420200609Recipe BooksMe discovering the function of tags versus categories Archive ; COVID-19 ; Exercise ; Keywords ; Recipe ; SearchingONLINE
OHD_BLG_011520200609Home Videosearly thoughts on editing and how this effects the original sourcesConsumer ; COVID-19 ; Editing ; Home Videos ; Linear ; Non-Linear ; Output ; Process ; Producer ; Scrapbook ; VideoONLINE
OHD_BLG_011620200609Corona ArchiveMe worrying about the vast amount of footage that is being created during the Covid pandemic and how this might be handled, archived and curated in the future Archive ; COVID-19 ; Crisis ; Design ; Present ; Questions ; VideoOffline
OHD_BLG_011720200609The ScrapbookMy first blog post about my efforts to archive and catalogue an old scrapbook someone brought me at a car boot sale. Used to be two separate blog posts but now are in one entry. The original scrapbook is in HJL's filing cabinet. Analogue ; Archive ; COVID-19 ; Scrapbook ; WW1 ; WW2Offline
OHD_PRS_011820210628🏛⏳🏺📜: Connecting with history through our screenA paper about the trails and tribulations of digital archives and difference in the emotional connection to historical artefacts when research via a digital archive than an analogue archivedigital ; History ; Design ; Climate Crisis ; British Library ; Analogue ; Design-driven innovation ; user-centered design ; AI ; digital archive ; digital distanceONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_LST_011920201026wordsA list of new words I learnt during the beginning of my project and their definitions. The page was created in October 2020 but was added to for at least a year or so after creation.

Archive ; digital, Heritage ; Oral History ; Philosophy ; ResearchONLINE
OHD_PRS_012020220525The Unseen: Maintenance Labour on Heritage SitesA paper on the importance of maintenance on heritage sites and how it is under funded because maintenance work is invisible Funding ; Heritage ; Heritage Sites ; Infrastructure ; Infrastructuring ; invisible ; Labour ; MaintenanceONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_WRT_012120201223the code/manifesto My design manifesto and code for this project. Inspired by Ruined by Design (OHD_BOK_0013) and Mierle Laderman Uklese's manifesto (OHD_PPR_0003). The version on HJL's laptop does no contain the code part of the online version. Design ; ethical design ; Ethics ; maintenance art ; maintenance ; manifestoONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_PRS_012220210519Staying flexible: how to build an oral history archiveMy guide on how to build an oral history archive. Basically be nice to each other when collaborating and take it case by case Design ; Heritage ; methodology ; Oral History ; Research ; Project ; creative tensions ; toolkitONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_LST_012320200616questionsA list of questions I asked no one in particular design ; oral history ; heritage ; methodology ; oral history interviews ; ethics ; data ; knowledge ; archive ; racism ; equalityONLINE
OHD_PRS_012420200200Presentation/Interview for CDAThe presentation I did for my application to the CDA. Creation date unknown, assumed to be some time in February 2020.

Like a lot of the early project plans this was development focus. Maintenance was not in sight.
CDA ; Collaboration, ; Design ; Heritage ; Interview ; National Trust ; Oral History ; presentation ; ProjectONLINE
OHD_PRS_012520210326Oral History’s Design: Sustaining visitor (re)use of oral histories on heritage sitesMy first presentation. Where I talk about creating a sustainable storage system that will so what rely on a digital solutionPresentation ; Paper ; design ; oral history ; digital ; collaboration ; National TrustONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_PRS_012620210621Oral History's DesignA flash presentation on how to design a solution to the reuse problem of oral history by relying on Verganti's theories of design-driven innovation and changes in meaning Oral history ; Design ; Presentation ; Design driven-innovation ; language ; meaning ; change ; innovation ONLINE ; Hannah's laptop in the folder "OHD_Archive" (available to view on request)
OHD_PRS_012720210527Only Time Will Tell: the ethical dilemma of oral historiesA presentation on how the contents of oral history is subjective and this subjectivity changes a lot over time which makes reusing oral histories in a ethical way difficult Ethics ; oral history ; recordings ; subjectivity ; listener ; interpretation ; funding ; interviewsONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_LST_012820200722experimentsA list of possible experiments I could have done but never did feminism ; designs ; idea ; design ; archive, ; alternative archives ; researchONLINE
OHD_WKS_012920211126Creating Space for VoiceA workshop I did after the same group enjoyed my previous Break the Archive workshop. Here we dissected the politics of space and it suppresses or amplifies voice Workshop ; archives ; design workshop ; miro board ; space ; democracy ; voiceONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_VID_013020210609...and then dada broke into the archiveA video presentation I did for the PGR at NU conference, about ho we can use the thoughts of dada to rethink the archivevideo ; dada ; archives ; strange ; rethink ; space ; order ; disorderONLINE ; Youtube
OHD_WKS_013120210614Break the ArchiveA online workshop I did where I got the participants to break the archive down into its sense and then create an anti archive. idea of anti archive comes from Spinoza see (OHD_BLG_0073). The folder on HJL's laptop for the entry also contains the transcript of the zoom chat, and the workshop blurb. archive ; archives ; workshop ; space ; rules ; design workshopONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_RPT_013220210800Play this (at the British Library only)A very large report and essay on the cataloguing software and the NT sound collection at the British Library. The database created for this report is OHD_SPS_0161The British Library ; catalogue ; index ; archive ; testing ; report ; user experience ; software ; designing frameONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_RPT_013320210900Alien in ResidenceA report/braindump on my time being an "Alien in residence" in oral history. It is a summary of thinking including maintenance, language and climate changeOral history ; outside ; climate crisis ; maintenance ; maintenance art ; language ; archives ; design driven-innovation ; slow ; slow scholarshipONLINE ; Hannah's laptop (available to view on request)
OHD_RPT_013420211000No Man's LandAnother summary of thinking featuring video games. The interactive one is available if you contact HJL.Video games ; games ; affect ; open world ; research ; archive ; design ; ghost boxes ; traces ; minecraft ; GLAMONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_WRT_013520211100The Journey of Oral History TechnologiesFirst attempt at writing about the various oral history technologies that have been created over time. Oral history ; Oral History Technology ; History ; Tech history ; OMHS ; reuse ; Technology ; digital
; funding ; projects ; digital Divide
ONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_WRT_013620211200Maintenance Design EssayAn essay on maintenance and how one should design for maintenancerhizome ; ANT ; Actor Network theory ; Maintenance ; Maintenance Art ; Maintenance Design ; Infrastructures ; Infrastructuring ; invisibleONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_RPT_013720220500First Year thoughts summaryA summary of my thoughts after my first year, featuring a lot of maintenance Maintenance ; summary ; historical maintenance ; slow scholarship ; development ; design ; meaning ; labour ; archiveONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_PHO_013820201223A quote from a thousand plateausA quote I was drawn to materiality ; research ; book ; art ONLINE
OHD_SCP_013920220412Wages for HouseworkA postcard or poster for a campaign to pay women for their domestic labour. Of the date is not the date it was created but it is the date I created this digital version of it.

This image was changed to adhere to copyright law
labour ; maintenance ; invisible ; inequality ; domesticONLINE
OHD_PHO_014020220200Online audiencesA photograph sent to me by a colleague about the make up of online audiences. Sent to me early 2022 probablyonline ; internet ; technology ; audience ; access ONLINE
OHD_SSH_014120211104Snapshot of webpageA screenshot of a websites archiving mechanism like the WayBack machineonline ; internet ; webpage ; internet archive ; archiving ; digital archiveONLINE
OHD_SSH_014220211104Cultural AdviceBeing able to view an archive with cultural context. Screenshot from Trove australian archive cultural context ; decolonisation ; heritage ; archive ONLINE
OHD_PHO_014320210916Image of keyboardof the date is not the date it was created but it is the date I created this digital version of it design ; communicationONLINE
OHD_PHO_014420210916Image of Jukeboxof the date is not the date it was created but it is the date I created this digital version of it design ; communicationONLINE
OHD_SSH_014520210714JUST DO IT!Screenshot of Shai LaBeouf's Just do it video where he clearly had a green screen so people could edit it. Of the date is not the date it was created but it is the date I created this digital version of it. editing ; edit ; remix ; reuse ; curate ; intemperate ONLINE
OHD_SSH_014620210331Zoom comment on digital archivesA comment made during a zoom workshop I went to on archivesdigital ; archives ; archiving ; losing ; lossONLINE
OHD_SSH_014720210317Important dead linkA dead link to the oral history society's ethics pagedead link ; internet ; website ; ethicsONLINE
OHD_PHO_014820210227Enjoying the momentA photograph of an old lady enjoying them moment while everyone around her is filming everything on their phones. of the date is not the date it was created but it is the date I created this digital version of it recording ; not recording ; capturing ONLINE
OHD_SSH_014920210227A balance of the rational and relational---
OHD_SSH_015020201027Experience of oral history interviewsSomeone commenting on the emotional intensity of a oral history interview-ONLINE
OHD_SSH_015120210202Archive memeA meme about the difference between the conceptual archive and the real archivearchive ; concept ; reality ONLINE
OHD_PHO_015220210202The Obliteration Room by Yayoi KusamaA photograph of the artwork where visitors were given colourful stickers to stick where ever in a white room. of the date is not the date it was created but it is the date I created this digital version of it. traces ; visitor ; interaction ; interpretationONLINE
OHD_IMG_015320210215AnasiAnansi the West African trickster spider who stories are of exclusively oral tradition and were spread around the world due to the slave trade. of the date is not the date it was created but it is the date I created this digital version of it. stories ; storytelling ; oral tradition Offline
OHD_SSH_015420210224CIA memoA 1944 CIA memo on how to infiltrate an organisation and make it disfunctional. of the date is not the date it was created but it is the date I created this digital version of it Institution ; organisation ; structureOffline
OHD_PHO_015520210225Archive CollapseOn 3 March 2009 at 1:58 p.m. the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne collapsed. of the date is not the date it was created but it is the date I created this digital version of it archive ; safe ; protected ; destruction ; lossONLINE
OHD_MDM_015620211216Wicked Problem MapA miro board holding a map of the wicked problem that is this project. Wicked Problem ; Oral History ; Mapping ; Design ; Heritage ; Ethics ; digital ; Complex ; Research ; funding ; labour ; money ; archives ; decolonisingONLINE ; Miro ; OHD_Archive
OHD_WHB_015720220802SDH Placement WhiteboardVirtual whiteboard I used during my placement at Seaton Delaval Hall. Mapping ; Placement ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; Research Room ; Research ; Storage ; Mediums ; Copyright ; digital ; Infrastructure ; ProcessONLINE ; Miro ; OHD_Archive
OHD_DSN_015820220908Research Room Donation FlowchartA flowchart made during my placement at Seaton Delaval Hall trying to work out all the necessary forms and processes for Research Room. Includes several iteration. The miro version does not include the final version. Research Room ; Copyright ; Data Protection ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; Collection ; Process ; Flowchart ; iterationONLINE ; Miro ; OHD_Archive
OHD_MDM_015920211013Design Manifesto MindmapBrainstorming the design element of the project Design ; Maintenance ; theory ; Practice ; DIY ; Design ethics ; Methods ; ANT ; rhizomes ; innovation ; meaning ONLINE ; miro ; OHD_Archive
OHD_WKS_016020210616Oral History Workshop for MDIA miro board used during some oral history training I did with the MDI group who worked on the follow up project to my old MDI SDH project. Oral History ; Training ; Interview ; Interviewing ; Interviewee ; MDI ; Workshop ; QuiltingONLINE ; Miro ; OHD_Archive
OHD_SPS_016120210609National Trust collection at British LibraryA table showing the National Trust's audio collection at the British Library. This was used to write the Play this (at the British Library only) reportOral History ; Interview ; Archive ; Catalogue ; Indexing ; National Trust ; Audio ; The British Library ONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_GRP_016220210308Project Timetable A graphic for my initial project timeline plan. Project Plan ; Project ; Process ONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_WRT_016320210224Project PlanMy initial project plan from early 2021Project Plan ; Project : ProcessONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_SSH_016420210211Question Dissected I wanted to dissect the question because it had been nearly a year and a half since the proposal and the original title had been created. I wanted to refresh my memory. Found in unused script (OHD_SCT_0036). Project ; Reflection ; ResearchONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_SSH_016520210205Proposal DissectedI wanted to dissect the proposal because it had been nearly a year and a half since the proposal and the original title had been created. I wanted to refresh my memory. Project ; Reflection ; ResearchONLINE ; Hannah's laptop in the folder "OHD_Archive" (available to view on request)
OHD_GRP_016620210430DTNI do not know what DTN stands for. My guess is that the D is Dynamic and N is Network. The T might be themes. networks Hannah's Laptop
OHD_GRP_016720210210Dynamic Stakeholder Map A dynamic stakeholder map that I stopped using very quickly. A dynamic stakeholder map is meant to map out the different stakeholders in a project and how their importance in the project changes over time. Dynamic ; Design ; Stakeholder ; Mapping ; Design MethodONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_VID_016820220614Who are you talking to?A video about the creation and accessibility of oral history recordings and how these are interconnected. It address ideas around the storage location of recordings and the format of recordings. Oral History ; Recordings ; Recording ; Access ; Reusing ; reuse ; archive ; archives ; audience ; editing ONLINE ; Youtube
OHD_VID_016920220503Draft Interim VidAn animation where I talk about institutional memory and human networks. And how oral history is a method to capturing institutional memory which maybe valuable to heritage. And that value might attract better funding. reusing ; Funding ; black box thinking ; Institutional memory ; memory ; black box ; human ; human network ; research ; value ONLINE ; Youtube
OHD_SSH_017020220316Archive system interfacesA collection of screenshots of archive catalogue interfaces. Interface ; archive ; catalogue ; searching ; design ; user-centred design ; graphicsONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_WRT_017120220913CDA development updateA brief overview of how the project had changed since the beginning .Process ; change ; project ; project progress ; reflectionONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_WRT_017220220602Chpt. 01 History of oral history techThe first attempt at a chapter, about all the previous attempts to create technology that allows for easier reuse of oral history recordings. The folder on the laptop contains slightly different versions of the chapter. Design ; Oral History ; Oral History Technology ; Technology ; digital ; Solutions ; Funding ; Maintenance ; Ethics ONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_DSF_017320221114Interim Design Fiction A design fiction showing a person's email inbox and browser. It is meant to be from the perspective of the intangible and digital heritage consultant. The original Xd file was lost so the back up on the laptop is just screenshots. Design Fiction ; Design ; Prototype ; Intangible Heritage ; digital Heritage ; Born digital ; funding ; surrogates ; heritageONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_PRT_017420221122PhD by Practice portfolio prototypeA prototype version of this website to show how I would be presenting my workProject process ; prototype ; portfolioOffline
OHD_WRT_017520220512Interim Crit PlanA plan for an interim crit. "Crit" meaning a session where people criticise the hell out of your work Crit ; interim; project plan ; reflection ; collaborationONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_GRP_017620220302my PhD in a graphicA graphic I made during a workshop on peer feedback meant to explain my PhD and the things I want to talk about. Communication ; Maintenance ; historical maintenance ; reuse ; change ; history ; archive ; oral history ; oral history recordingsONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_WRT_017720221027NT oral history experienceA bit of writing I did to send to the higher ups at the National Trust to show my experience doing oral history on one of the sites. National Trust ; Infrastructure ; British Library ; Copyright ; archive ; oral history ; oral history recordings ; digital ; GDPR ; data protection ; ethicsONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_GRP_017820221010The maintenance infrastructure of oral historyA graphic to show all the different networks and systems the existence of an oral history recording has to rely on if it wants to be accessible. GDPR ; Data protection ; copyright ; oral history recordings ; infrastructure ; infrastructuring ; maintenance ; technology ; admin ; paperwork ; policy ; language ; conservation ; collection policy ; intangible heritageONLINE ; Hannah's laptop in the folder "OHD_Archive" (available to view on request)
OHD_WRT_017820210408Summary of thinking Spring 2021A summary of my thinking in the spring of 2021 so a couple of month into my CDA.GLAM ; Digitisation ; digital ; decolonising ; collaboration ; collaborative work ; change ; project processONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_RPT_018020221108End of Placement Report SDHA brief on my work during my placement at Seaton Delaval Hall for my funding body. Seaton Delaval Hall ; Research Room ; Heritage ; Oral history interviews ; copyright ; infrastructure ; research ; heritage oral history ; data protectionONLINE ; Hannah's laptop in the folder "OHD_Archive" (available to view on request)
OHD_DSF_018120220902Adaptive Release ReportA design fiction in the form of a report template. The report is meant to say how a heritage site is managing the decay of certain parts of the site often due to climate change. Heritage ; intangible heritage ; climate change ; climate crisis ; decay ; adaptive release ; heritage site ; damage ; watching brief ; digital heritageONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_DSF_018220220820Design Fiction Research RoomA design fiction that tells a story of the Research Room. Research Room ; Design ; oral history ; copyright ; access ; research ; institutional memoryONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_DSF_018320220902Intangible and digital Heritage ConsultantA design fiction surrounding the fictional role of the intangible and digital heritage consultant who supports National Trust sites with their collection, conservation and use of the intangible and digital heritage on their sites.intangible heritage ; digital heritage ; intangible ; oral history ; digital ; heritage ; labour ; funding ; reuse ; policy ; collectionONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_DSF_018420221011Oral history at the hall design projectA report on a fictional design project on presenting oral history recordings in a way that visitors can curate and comment on them. It is a draft version.Design fiction ; design ; oral history ; heritage ; heritage site ; oral history recordings ; reuse ; curation ; interpretationONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_PRS_018520221013Presentation for Jo and HeatherPresentation slides for a presentation that never took place because webex was playing up and those in the meeting wanted to talk about other things.Design fiction ; design ; intangible heritage ; digital heritage ; climate crisis ; climate change ; adaptive release ; oral history ; surrogatesONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_COL_018620220800Collection of outputs from my SDH placementA folder of various outputs and documents from my placement at SDH including notes on a oral history recording from Northumberland Archives and various mock ups for ways to share knowledge better between volunteers. Different items were made at different times but my placement started in August 2022.oral history ; design ; volunteers ; research ; knowledge exchange ; recordings ; notesOHD_Archive
OHD_DSN_018720221028Research Room AdvertA mock up of a possible flyer or poster to advertise the Research Room at Seaton Delaval HallSeaton Delaval Hall ; Research Room ; volunteer ; collection ; research ; heritage ; communityONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_PRT_018820220915Testing the Research Room flowcharttesting various item against the flowchart to see where they would up and whether that makes sense.Research room ; flowchart ; testing ; design ; collection ; heritageONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_FRM_018920220916Donation Form and examplesA draft version of a possible donation form to be used for items to go to the research room. The form was eventually replaced by the research room collection processResearch Room ; collection ; forms ; data protection ; collection ; copyrightONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_FRM_019020221003Archive Donation Acceptance FormThis is a design for a form to be given to people who would like to donate an item that is should be donated to an archiveresearch room ; collection ; archive ; data protection ; copyright ; professionalisation ; conservationONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_FRM_019120220929Research Room Donation Acceptance FormThis is a design for a form to be given to people who would like to donate an item that can be donated to the research roomresearch room ; collection ; data protection ; copyright ; professionalisation ; conservationONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_FRM_019220221031Research Room Acquisition Copyright formThe final non-official version of the acquisition copyright form I made for the research room. Mentioned in the Research Room Guide (OHD_RPT_0195)research room ; copyright ; professionalisation ; research ; collection ; acquisition ; heritage ; heritage sitesONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_FRM_019320221025Research Room Acquisition ProposalA final draft design for a form to be filled in at the start of the research room acquisition process. Developed as a final output from my placement at Seaton Delaval Hall. Mentioned in the Research Room Guide (OHD_RPT_0195)research room ; research ; collection acquisition ; professionalisationONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_FRM_019420221101Research Room AgreementA mock up of a form people would have to sign if they wish to used the research room. It is a way to protect the donors and the National Trust. Again an output of my placement at Seaton Delaval Hall. Not final. Mentioned in the Research Room Guide (OHD_RPT_0195)research ; research room ; reuse ; data protection ; legal ; ethics ; copyrightONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_RPT_019520221031Research Room GuideThe accompanying guide I made for the research room. It had many holes in for people fill in laterresearch room ; guide ; maintenance ; maintenance design ; research ; collection ; acquisition ; copyright ; data protection ; reuseONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_WRT_019620221028Research Room Information SheetThe information sheet for the people who would like to donate items to the research room. an output of my placement at Seaton Delaval Hall. Not final. Mentioned in the Research Room Guide (OHD_RPT_0195)Information ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; research room ; donation ; collection ; acquisitionONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_DSN_019720220802Research Room Index prototypeThe prototype for the research indexing system. It went through a couple of iterations. but is now live in the Seaton Delaval Hall Sharepoint. Mentioned in the Research Room Guide (OHD_RPT_0195) The folder on the laptop has different versions of the index system. The date references the creation of the first version and not the final version which you can see onlineIndex ; catalogue ; research room ; research ; archive ; seaton delaval HallONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_RPT_019820220831Round 1 - Research Room DesignA quick report on the first couple of weeks of my placement and my work designing the research room at Seaton Delaval HallResearch room ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; progress ; report ; indexingONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_PRT_019920221103Prototype for the Seaton Delaval Hall Oral History TrailA design for a guide to accompany a sound walk made from oral history recording clips, which takes you around the entire Seaton Delaval Hall site. Featured in the design fiction (OHD_DSF_0173).Seaton Delaval Hall ; oral history ; oral history recordings ; heritage ; heritage sites ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; reuse ; curation ; curated contentONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_NOT_020020210714Archives as video gamesA note on how archives are like video games and then a list of video games that have an archive "vibe"Video games ; archivesHJL's Scrivener
OHD_NOT_020120210724the dreamA note of my dream archive experience. Became the inspiration for the no man's land drawing (OHD_DRW_0001).Archives ; ghostsHJL's Scrivener
OHD_WRT_020220220328maintenance and audienceAn basic outline for a seminar I did with the Public History MA students in 2022Maintenance ; oral history ; archives ; oral history recordings ; changeHJL's Scrivener
OHD_PRS_020320211020Capturing voices: Designing a system for better oral history reuse. Things to consider.The presentation is about maintenance and naturing "uncomfortable" dialogues.decolonisation ; maintenance ; maintenance art ; dialogue ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; heritageONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_WKS_020420210727THINKING CARDS: How would you archive this?A plan for a workshop that did not happen to get people to think about how to archive items with in structures. Good example of design artefacts.archive ; archiving ; indexing ; workshop ; catalogue ; digital ; analogue ; mediums ; changeONLINE : HJL's Scrivener
OHD_NOT_020520210802Finding the archivea note for a workshop activity where you would collect practice and then imagine how these archives would work on different scalesarchiveHJL's Scrivener
OHD_WKS_020620210806Archive Agents timelinedesign for a workshop with the aim to see who affects the existence of the archival itemarchiveHJL's Scrivener
OHD_WKS_020720220124SDH Creative Community WorkshopThe first and second version of the plan for the workshop run during the SDH creative community workshop. It was based around one of SDH aims "Building new knowledge from multiple perspectives. Generating 360 degree interpretation involving communities in telling their stories and sharing their knowledge."heritage ; stories ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; archive ; heritage sitesONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_WKS_020820221027NT Oral History WorkshopA workshop I did during the northern collections and interiors forum in York for the National Trust. only the activity outcomes are being stored in the filing cabinet.oral history ; heritage ; heritage sites ; heritage oral history ; archive ; archiving ; maintenance ; conservationONLINE ; OHD_Archive ; HJL's Home
OHD_PHO_020920210904Network and relationshipA photograph of a blackboard dissecting the network teat feeds into an oral history recordingoral history ; oral history recording ; network ; infrastructuring ; infrastructureONLINE ; HJL's Scrivener
OHD_NOT_021020220802SortingA bit of rough writing on the subjectivity of sortingarchiving ; cataloguing ; categories ; indexing ; tagging ; archiveHJL's Scrivener
OHD_RPT_021120220825NUOHUC archivingA report on the archiving situation of the NUOHUCArchive ; archiving ; oral historyHJL's Laptop
OHD_MDM_021220221010Making and maintaining an oral historyAn A3 sheet of paper listing all the things and people you need to make and maintain an oral history recording. Is the paper version of The maintenance infrastructure of oral history (OHD_GRP_0178)Archive ; archiving ; oral history ; oral history recording ; maintenance ; development ; ethics ; data protection ; copyright ; archivist-
OHD_RPT_021320190800SDH our storybookThe storybook made during my MDI project with Seaton Delaval Hall. It is a collection of all the different stories we found online via Facebook. It is a terrible violation of GDPR. Creation date unknown, assumed to have been printed in the Summer of 2019.Seaton Delaval Hall ; Facebook ; community ; stories ; history ; local historyHJL's Home
OHD_NTB_021420211012PhD notebook 12th October 2021 to 10th February 2022Notes from the Oral History module, a talk on actor network theory, the design PGR training. Writing on maintenance design. Some idea for expressing my PhD by practice. Contains the plan for capturing voice (OHD_PRS_0203) and creating space for voice workshop (OHD_WKS_0129). Also has the original maps for the wicked problem map (OHD_MMP_0156)slow scholarship ; maintenance ; voice ; oral history ; archive ; design ; maintenance design ; ANT ; wicked problem ; mappingHJL's Home
OHD_NTB_021520220211PhD notebook 11th February 2022 to 3rd August 2022Notes on applications to British Library placements and oral history technologies and the Northern Bridge summer school and a workshop on archival management by the British Library. plan for the black video animation (OHD_VID_0169) and the who are you talking to video (OHD_VID_0168)maintenance ; labour ; British Library ; archives ; archiving ; oral history ; designHJL's Home
OHD_NTB_021620220802PhD notebook 4th August 2022 to 14th October 2022The notebook used for the majority of my time doing placement at Seaton Delaval Hall. All the stuff about the research room and the presentation for Jo and Heather (OHD_PRS_0185)Seaton Delaval Hall ; National Trust ; Heritage ; heritage sites; digital infrastructure ; infrastructure ; archive ; research ; research room ; copyright ; data protection ; intangible heritageHJL's Home ; OHD_Archive
OHD_PRT_021720220800prototype for a sound boxA prototype for a sound box which was a way to display oral history at the hall in a way that allows people to react to the oral histories. Made early on in the placement at Seaton Delaval Halloral history ; reuse ; curation ; interpretation ; heritage ; heritage oral history ; heritage sitesHJL's Home
OHD_NOT_021820210900Oral history is...A list of things people have told me oral history is: joint meaning making, capturing, analysis. Date of creation unknown likely to be September 2021oral historyold office
OHD_MDM_021920210900Mapping SDH oral history topicsThree maps depicting time, space and themes and the possible histories and stories that might be found by doing oral history. Date of creation unknown likely to be September 2021oral history ; oral history interview ; interview ; planning ; themes ; Seaton Delaval Hallold office
OHD_COL_022020190000Folder of readingA folder of all the printed out reading with highlights and notes. Most of these were printed at the beginning of the PhD. The earliest printed paper was from 2019 during the MID SDH projectreading ; research ; oral history ; archiving ; designHJL's Home
OHD_PRT_022120210923Transcription RibbonAn adobe premier pro file in which I added comments and spilt an oral history recording into bits. Blog post about visualising sound OHD_BLG_0053 File lostOral history ; transcripts; transcript ; interview ; interpretationHannah's Harddrive
OHD_DSN_022220210924InterfaceA design for an interface of an oral history archive (digital obviously). Inspired by the transcription ribbon (OHD_PRT_0221)Oral history ; transcripts ; reuse ; access ; interpretation ; archive ; digital ; transcript ; audio ; auralityONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_NOT_022320211004Colourful thoughts week of 4th OctoberAn A3 sheet with my various thoughts during the week starting the 4th October. It mostly is about oral historyOral history ; stories ; storytelling ; memory ; sound ; archiving ; interviewingONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_DSF_022420221011A graph mapping fictional designsPart of the oral history at SDH design fiction. A basic design mapping exercise seeing where design fit on one axis of target age group and another axis of low tech to high tech. Part of Oral history at the hall design project (OHD_DSF_0184)oral history ; design ; design fiction ; sound ; curation ; heritage sites ; VR ; AR ; analogue ; digitalONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_DSN_022520221000The first draft design of the Seaton Delaval Hall sound walkThe plan and route for the tester Seaton Delaval Hall sound walk using my oral history interviews. Accurate date not known but somewhere mid October 2022oral history ; sound walk ; curation ; reuse ; heritage sites ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; National Trust ; oral history recordingsONLINE ; OHD_Archive ; HJL's Home
OHD_FRM_022620220900Copyright and reuse formsThree different copyright and reuse forms from Newcastle University, Northumberland Archives, National Trust. I used parts of each of these to make one new copyright and reuse form for my SDH interviews. Precise date not known but done during SDH placement in either the second or third month.Seaton Delaval Hall ; National Trust ; Northumberland Archives ; Newcastle University ; archives ; reuse ; copyright ; forms ; oral history ; oral history recordingsONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_WHB_022720210907Alien in residence planA photograph of blackboards showing the plan for the Alien in residence report thingoral history ; climate change ; digital ; archives ; slow scholarship ; subjectivity ; networks ; empathyONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_WHB_022820211100OHT dissectionA blackboard showing the dissection, organising and making sense of oral history technologies. likely to be plan for writing (OHD_WRT_0135). Done somewhere at the end of october or the start of november 2021.oral history ; oral history technology ; technology ; digital ; reuse ; archive ; software ; projects ; onlineONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_PST_022920211216review of projecta collection of post its exploring the then current themes of the project and any changes.heritage ; maintenance ; space ; power ; stories ; ethics ; reuse ; project progress ; rhizomes ; infrastructuring ; maintenance design ; decolonisingONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_WHB_023020220200maintenanceA blackboard showing myself trying to work out how to about write about maintenance. exact date not known but likely to be early 2022.maintenance ; writingONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_WHB_023120220331institutional memory and reuseA blackboard exploring the benefits of institutional memory to the project cycle and reuse in general. If you know your archive you won't need to keep makinginstitutional memory ; memory ; funding ; project ; project cycle ; reuse ; extractionONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_WHB_023220220511thesis planin hindsight a completely pointless planning of a thesis that I do not to write because a PhD by Practice does not require this formatproject progress ; plan ; writing ; oral history ; maintenanceONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_WHB_023320220602frisch and papaneka blackboard dissecting frisch's three dimension across papenek's elements of function. Notes for chpt. one (OHD_WRT_0172)DIY ; oral history ; archiving ; oral history archives ; technology ; oral history technology ; design ; innovationONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_PRS_023420220127Full team presentationA presentation I must have done too the full supervision team about maintenance and Mierle Laderman Uklese's manifesto and ideas. I also also must have mentioned my placement. Script is unknown only the presentation has been locatedmaintenance ; maintenance art ; maintenance design ; project progress ; development ; placementOHD_Archive
OHD_WRT_023520210713Intro to Delaval DispatchMy introduction to be added to the newsletter email of Seaton Delaval HallSeaton Delaval Hall ; National Trust ; community ; communicationOHD_Archive
OHD_WRT_023620210713CDA_updateAn update on my project progress for the staff at Seaton Delaval Hall. Things I had done break the archive and play this (at the british library)Seaton Delaval Hall ; National Trust ; community ; communication ; project progressOHD_Archive
OHD_PRS_023720210707NT SDH Leads MeetingA presentation I did to introduce myself and my project to the team leads at Seaton Delaval Hall. Script is unknown only the presentation has been locatedSeaton Delaval Hall ; National Trust ; community ; communication ; projectOHD_Archive
OHD_DSF_023820221010Oral history project retention tableA design fiction where before you archive an ora history recording you have to indicate the minimum retention for the different items. used in OHD_DSF_0173oral history ; archiving ; archive ; reuse ; retention ; dustbin of history ; oral history archivesONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_DSF_023920220822Regional annual NT IT workshopA timetable for a fictional IT workshop where NT staff are updated on any changes to the IT systems and give the staff training and a moment to feedback on the IT systems. used in OHD_DSF_0173IT ; infrastructure ; design fiction ; maintenance ; digital ; digital maintenance ; trainingONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_DSF_024020220822Heritage Surrogates after climate disasterA script for a fake presentation on the National Trust uses of surrogate meta data of heritage items and sites to recreate experiences after climate disastersclimate change ; climate crisis ; climate disaster ; surrogates ; meta data ; oral history ; National Trust ; design fiction ; archive ; reuseONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_WRT_024120221216ChatGPT testMe testing if an AI chat bot could write my PhD. It could ; AI ; ChatGPTOHD_Archive
OHD_WKS_024220220804Volunteer Research Room workshopa plan for a workshop never done with SDH volunteers about what they wanted from the Research RoomResearch Room ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; National Trust ; volunteers ; volunteering ; researchHannah's Laptop
OHD_WRT_024320221004The digital needs of the Research RoomA list of digital storage the research room at SDH might need at some pointresearch room ; research ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; National Trust ; digital ; infrastructure ; digital storageONLINE ; HJL's Scrivener
OHD_LST_024420200629Links to archives and online funA list of archives and other online things that are interesting. Date indicates when the page was made but it contents was added to for many monthsarchives ; archive ; internet ; digital ; online ; catalogue ; podcastONLINE
OHD_NTB_024520221018PhD notebook 18th October 2022 to 6th February 2023Notebook from the winter of 2022/2023. Includes notes on the Seaton Delaval Hall placement (OHD_WHB_0157) and the research room guide (OHD_RPT_0195), the National Trust oral history workshop (OHD_WKS_0208), the plans for the portfolio prototype (OHD_PRT_0174), and notes on NCBS placement (OHD_WHB_0246), including takedown document (OHD_RPT_0249)archives ; oral history ; design ; workplace ; group work ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; National Trust ; NCBS ; research room ; ethics ; heritage ; processHJL's Home ; OHD_Archive
OHD_WHB_024620230108Miro board of NCBS placementA miro board that I used during my placement at NCBS, includes takedown brainstorming and brainstorming on the culture of the Archives at NCBS.archives ; archive ; NCBS ; takedown ; policy ; culture ; process ; oral history ; workflowONLINE ; Miro
OHD_WHB_024720230208Miro board of the NCBS away dayA digital version of the whiteboards created during the Archives at NCBS away day on 7th February 2023. The aim of the away day was to get people on the same page of when it comes to what the archive is and what it aims to do and most importantly how the archive team works together within the everyday.archives ; archive ; NCBS ; culture ; collaboration ; unpacking ; anti-archive ; workshopONLINE ; Miro
OHD_WHB_024820230213Miro board of the archiving workflowMiro board containing a draft version of archiving workflow at NCBS.archives ; archiving ; workflow ; archiving workflow ; conservationONLINE ; Miro
OHD_RPT_024920230112NCBS Takedown and alterations policyThree versions of the takedown and alterations policy I worked on for my placement at Archives at NCBS. The policy evolved a lot over time from a single page to a multipage document that outlined a process that allow every alterations to the archive to be capture.archives ; NCBS ; takedown ; process ; ethicsONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_RPT_025020230213NCBS sensitivity check docTwo versions of the sensitivity check made for Archives at NCBS during my placement. The sensitivity check is there to help make non-sensitive information available faster to the public. It quickly marks things either red (sensitive) or green (not sensitive) this make digitising and uploading online easier.archives ; NCBS ; process ; ethics ; sensitivity check ; workflowONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_WRT_025120230222ChatGPT and oral historyA folder containing the various experiments using ChatGPT to make summaries for oral history interviews. Also used the transcription software Otter. The date of creation is referencing the oldest document in the folder but the material was made over a couple of weeks at the end of February of 2023.oral history ; summaries ; AI ; digital ; archiveONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_FRM_025220230131Takedown request formA template for the takedown and alterations request for the Archives at NCBS. Made during my placement.archives ; NCBS ; takedown ; process ; ethicsONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_FRM_025320230131Notice and takedown request reviewA template for the takedown and alterations request report for the Archives at NCBS. Made during my placement.archives ; NCBS ; takedown ; process ; ethicsONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_BLG_025420230203Blog post on the first month at NCBSA blog post written for The Lug (the blog for NUOHUC) about my first month of my placement at Archives at NCBS.archives ; archive ; NCBS ; process ; culture ; work cultureONLINE
OHD_PRT_025520230116Archives at NCBS reflection formA very rough draft of a possible reflection form for present and former staff fill in order to investigate the culture of the Archives at NCBS. It never got sent out because I was told that people don't reply to these things.Hannah's Laptop
OHD_RPT_025620230123Options for making oral histories accessibleThis a document I made for the Archives at NCBS to give them advice on how they should approach using technology to make oral history recording accessible.oral history ; oral history technology ; technology ; digital ; access ; recordings ; maintenance ; user interface ; NCBSOHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_WRT_025720230113Possible activities and outputs of placement at NCBSA document outlining my possible aims for my placement at Archives at NCBS. It including looking into developing different levels of access for archival material and looking at how the grant cycle affects the institutional knowledge and culture of the archive.archive ; NCBS ; work culture ; culture ; process ; access ; ethicsOHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_RPT_025820230116Initial ideas to capture institutional memory / knowledge at NCBSHannah's Google drive
OHD_PRS_025920230311Learning from ourselves : Reusing institutional oral historiesPresentation for the OHAI conference together with Soumya. The presentation was about developing a cyclical oral history programme within institutional oral historyreuse ; oral history ; recording ; interviewing ; institutional oral historyHJL's Google drive ; OHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_GRP_026020230525Oral history at the National Trust PosterPoster for the National Trust research day 12th June 2023. The poster is about the different types of value the can be found in oral history recordings.reuse ; oral history ; heritage ; National Trust ; valueOHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_GRP_026120230320What is Archives at NCBS?A info-graphic like document explaining the work systems within Archives at NCSB. There are two mode of work within the archive. One is about maintenance and the other is about production. Each has a different mode of thinking.archive ; labour ; maintenance ; development ; funding cycles ; archive work ; NCBSOHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_COL_026220230622C1168 Audit 2023Three spreadsheets, one is an audit of uncatalogued material in the National Trust sound collection at the British Library. The other two are version one and two of an audit of copyright of the recordings in the collection. There is also a report of the two audits.

This is not online because I am unsure about how this will work under data protection.
British Library ; oral history ; recordings ; copyright ; cataloguing ; archiveOHD_Archive
OHD_RPT_026320230621NT property recommendations for PhD placementA list of NT properties which could work as case studies for a BL PhD placement, which follows on from the work I did on copyright.British Library ; oral history recordings ; copyright ; National Trust ; archive ; accessONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_WRT_026420230418Why a PhD by PracticeAn essay on why this project had to be a PhD by practice. practice ; design ; wicked problem ; process ; rhizomeOHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_PRS_026520230623Reusing oral history in GLAM: a wicked problemPresentation for the Oral history society conference about how oral history reuse is a wicked problem and therefore needs extensive collaboration. wicked problem ; design ; collaboration ; archive ; maintenance ; oral history ; GLAM OHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_GRP_026620230403CDA timelineA timeline of the plan for the remaining time of the PhD. process OHD_Archive
OHD_COL_026720230413Photographs of PhD by Practice brainstormBrainstorming the "practice" element of the PhDprocess ; design ; research ; research through design OHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_SSH_026820221117Screenshot of a file 'recorded' in 1970Hannah's laptop
OHD_SSH_026920221010Screenshot of Heritage Fund Screenshot of the list of what the Heritage Fund funds. funding ; oral history ; heritageOHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_SSH_027020221010Screenrecording of funding application Looking at what questions are asked when applying for fundingfunding ; heritageOHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_COL_027120230523Collection of photographs of The British LibraryPhotographs I took of the office I worked in at the British Library during my placement. archive ; library ; cataloguing ; labour ; boxes ; dust ; archivistOHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_COL_027220230531Collection of photographs of the National Trust Collections' formsPhotos of three different forms used by the National Trust when they interviewed people. Some were just recording permission forms and others were just metadata sheets. forms ; archiving ; copyright ; ethics ; archives ; premissions OHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_WRT_027320230905The Trust: stories of a nationA blog post that I wrote about the National Trust's sound collection after my placement at the British Library. The blog post was meant to be published on the British Library's website but then the hack happened. British Library ; National Trust ; oral history ; archive ; oral history collection ; heritage ; land ; story OHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_RPT_027420230906NT BL ReportThe very short report I made on the status of the National Trust's sound collection at the British Library. This was kept brief to make it easier to share to higher ups in the Trust National Trust ; British Library ; oral history ; cataloguing ; archive ; sound ; copyright OHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_GRP_027520230525Oral history flowchart BLMy (hannah) graphic for understanding the flow of oral history between the National Trust and the British Library in an effort to gain an overview of the process and where it might be going wrong. National Trust ; British Library ; process ; recording ; oral history ; copyright ; archiving ; project planning ; interim storage OHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_WRT_027620230523C1168 uncatalogued itemsA report of the first audit I did during my placement at the British Library, which involved locating uncatalogued material. National Trust ; British Library ; catalogue ; digital ; analogue ; oral history ; archive OHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_SPS_027720230713Contribution tableA spreadsheet plotting how material created during this project contributed to the development of ideas. archive ; project ; portfolio OHD_Archive
OHD_COL_027820230925Finding recordingsAn audit of HLF funded oral history projects and where their oral history recordings ended up and where they were available. archive ; funding ; NLHF ; HFL ; heritage ; dead link OHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_COL_027920230900JAN CRIT PLAN ETC Various versions of the plan for my NT OH workshop in January. Also includes the blurb sent out to National Trust crit ; feedback ; project planning ; National Trust ; workshop ; oral history ; design OHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_SPS_028020230426NUOHUC auditAudit of the various projects done by NUOHUC and where the recordings are being kept. Newcastle University ; NUOHUC ; archiving ; interim storage ; oral history ; project OHD_Archive
OHD_RPT_028120230426My thoughts on the NUOHUC archivingMy thoughts on the NUOHUC archiving situation after I did the audit (OHD_SPS_0280)Newcastle University ; NUOHUC ; archiving ; interim storage ; oral history ; projectOHD_Archive
OHD_DSN_028220230713The NOT how-to guideHannah's laptop in the folder "OHD_Archive" (available to view on request)
OHD_DSN_028320230926Version One of the Methodology chapterAn attempt to work out what the hell I was doing. Research through design is complicated. RtD ; methodology ; design ; design thinking ; practice OHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_WRT_028420231009Thesis abstract (first version)First abstract nothing like what it became. abstract ; final outputOHD_Archive
OHD_WRT_028520231009Timetable of deadlinesDefinitely did not follow this process ; project ; planning ; failure OHD_Archive
OHD_DSF_028620231010Jumble of design fictions Mostly plans for design fictions that were never fully realised. Some are archived somewhere and now are duplicates. Most of them came from my placement at Seaton Delaval Hall and based around intangible heritage. design fiction ; design ; artefacts ; Seaton Delaval HallOHD_Archive
OHD_RPT_028720230729BL report Short report I did on my British Library placement for my funder. funding ; British Library ; placement OHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_RPT_028820230321NCBS reportShort report I did on my placement at Archives at NCBS for my funder.funding ; Archives at NCBS ; placement OHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_PST_028920240807Feedback from listening sessionPost it notes written by people who came to the listening session I did at Seaton Delaval Hall. I made them write a post it before and after the session to record their feelings. oral history ; National Trust ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; volunteers ; staff ; listening ; feedback OHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_FRM_029020231121Final copyright form The final version of the copyright form I used for my recordings. It should allow both the National Trust and Northumberland Archives to use the recordings. oral history ; National Trust ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; copyright ; archiving ; ethics ; Northumberland ArchivesOHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_COL_029120210914Collection of preinterview stuffCollection of preinterview stuff such as information sheets and recording agreementsoral history ; National Trust ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; interviewing ; ethics ; permission formsOHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_SSH_029220241211Screenshots of NT IT incidentsCollection of various screenshot showing the different IT incidents that occurred at the National Trust during the project. National Trust ; digital ; IT ; failure ; breakdown ; maintenanceOHD Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_RCP_029320241028Receipt of depositReceipt of deposit to northumberland archives. For donating my Seaton Delaval Hall recordings. National Trust ; Northumberland Archives ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; oral history ; archive ; archiving ; donation OHD Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_SSH_029420240306Screenshot of emailEmail to volunteering officer at Seaton Delaval Hall about getting the copyright forms signed. Personal data and some names have been redacted copyright ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; recording ; ethics ; forms ; process ; collaboration ; volunteers ; staff ONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_AUD_029520240807Listening session audios Audio clips from the oral history interviews I conducted and used during the listening session. They were played in one particular order. listening session ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; National Trust ; oral history ; interviews ; volunteers ; staffOHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_RPT_029620240805SDH oral history strategyThe Seaton Delaval Hall strategy I created together with SDH staff as part of the handover process. oral history strategy ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; National Trust ; staff ; collaboration ; oral history ; long-term ; ethics ; maintenanceOHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_WKS_029720240701SDH OH workshopSession for SDH staff helping to plan their oral history strategy. The powerpoint that was filled in during the workshop with Seaton Delaval Hall staff. The workshop aimed to create a strategy for the collection of oral history (OHD_RPT_0296). Not every section was filled in but it still worked. oral history strategy ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; National Trust ; staff ; collaboration ; oral history ; long-term ; ethics ; maintenance ; workshop ; action research ; output OHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_RPT_029820240816NT OH reportThe final report I made for the National Trust containing a status report on oral history at the Trust. It includes my work with the National Trust's collection at the British Library as well as my experience recording oral history on a National Trust site - Seaton Delaval Hall. National Trust ; final out ; British Library ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; oral history ; collection policy ; collection ; archive ; archiving ; interviewing ; ethics ; copyright ; data protection ; interim storage OHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_DSN_029920240816NT OH guideThe guide that I made as a final output. The guide is purposefully vague but aims to give a general idea of oral history and its various processes. Above all it aims to encourage people to talk to each other and create a culture of oral history locally on their respective sites and nationally. National Trust ; guide ; recording ; reusing ; interviewing ; archiving ; cataloguing ; collection ; collecting ; archive ; British Library ; ethics ; copyright ; data protection ; interim storage ; SharePoint ; sensitivity OHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_PRS_030020240425Iraq Symposium talkThe talk I did to the NUOHUC partners in Iraq over video link. The talk was very much based off the talk I did at the OHS conference with some small alterations. The powerpoint was basically the same. archiving ; Iraq ; reusing ; paper ; wicked problemOHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_PRS_030120240304Swimming through TreacleA talk I did at Northumbria University in front of designers to explain and get feedback on my design process during this project. The title came from my National Trust supervisor who described doing anything in the Trust as 'swimming through treacle'design ; National Trust ; design thinking ; design practice ; feedbackOHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_PHO_030220230602Photo of BL catalogue interfacePhoto of BL catalogue interfaceinterface ; graphic design ; catalogue ; British Library ; archive ; design OHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_FRM_030320240701SDH OH questionnaireThe questionnaire the participants of the SDH OH workshop (OHD_WKS_0297) filled in before and after the session. Also includes the blank form that was made 20240626. oral history strategy ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; National Trust ; staff ; collaboration ; oral history ; feedback ; processOHD_Archive ; ONLINE
SDH_PP20211027Hard driveThe hard drive containing the oral history recordings I conducted. Also includes a digitised copy of an LP called "Memories of Seaton". The full record of my NT workshop (OHD_VID_0304). And some recordings I did with people who worked with archives. And a prototype sound walk. oral history ; archive ; archiving ; recordings ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; National Trust ; Northumberland Archives ; Archives at NCBS ; BALTIC ; sound walk HJL's Home
OHD_VID_030420240131Workshop recording Recording of the workshop zoom call. The workshop was a chance to tell National Trust staff and volunteers about my work and gather feedback. oral history ; collaboration ; workshop ; National Trust ; archive ; recordings ; projects ; copyright ; British Library SDH_PP
OHD_AUD_030520220712Interview with oral historainOral history interview with an oral historian who used to work at Northumberland Archives. The recording has been archived at Northumberland Archives. oral history ; recording ; interviewing ; Northumberland ArchivesSDH_PP
OHD_AUD_030620221129Interview with archivist Chat with the ex-archivist of BALTIC. We talked about setting up the technology and managing difficult mediums. BALTIC ; archive ; archivist ; software ; maintenance ; catalogue SDH_PP
OHD_SSH_030720241212Blocked accessScreenshot of my access being blocked to the Northumberland Archive catalogue when I was looking for OHD_AUD_0305. Northumberland Archives ; catalogue ; online ; accessOHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_AUD_030820240131NT OH workshop audioAn audio recording of the zoom call. It has been edited down and exported from a video file to an audio file. The workshop consisted of three sections: past, present and future. Each section started with a brief summary of my research followed by a discussion in smaller groups and then a big feedback group.

A separate chat I had with Lucy during the break was uploaded along the bigger audio.
National Trust ; oral history ; heritage ; British Library ; archive ; recording ; interviewing ; maintaining ; ethics ; technology ; culture ;SDH_PP hard drive ; ONLINE
OHD_SSH_030920240424Email about copyrightA screenshot of an email sent to me by one of the staff members of Seaton Delaval Hall asking about the copyright on a particular audio recording someone brought in. National Trust ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; audio ; recording ; copyrightONLINE ; OHD_Archive
OHD_SPS_031020241004Timeline of technologiesA spreadsheet of oral history technologies, technologies is general and various scandals and disasters. technology ; data protection ; copyright ; right to repair ; digital ; internet ; oral historyOHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_SSH_031120240701Jamboard diesAn email from Google telling me that they are shutting down their Jamboard application. obsolescence ; Google ; digital OHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_IMG_031220240527AI art of "maintenance"Three different AI generate "artworks" using the prompt maintenance. maintenance ; AI ; technologyOHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_SSH_031320231204British Library downscreenshot of the British Library website holding page after the hack. hack ; British Library OHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_GRP_031420230121Archives at NCBS posterA poster I made for the exhibition week at NCBSArchives at NCBS OHD_Archive ; ONLINE
OHD_SCP_031520220000NT Volunteer memberships My National Trust memberships for 2023, 2024, and 2025National Trust ; Seaton Delaval Hall ; volunteer ; volunteering OHD_Archive ; ONLINE ; HJL's home
OHD_NTB_031620230207PhD notebook 7th February to 30th May 2023Mostly Archives at NCBS work Archives at NCBS ; sensetivity check HJL's Home ; OHD_Archive
OHD_NTB_0317 20230531PhD notebook 31st May 2023 to 18th January 2024British Library work British Library HJL's Home
OHD_PPR_031820231114Digital Archives Workshopthe lesson plan for a workshop I gave on digital archives. digital ; workshop ; archives ; internet OHD_NTB_0317
OHD_NTB_031920240118PhD notebook 18th January 2024 to 18th April 2024writing and crafting the portfolio and critical commentaryHJL's Home
OHD_NTB_032020240418PhD notebook 18th April 2024 to 19th July 2024writing and crafting the portfolio and critical commentaryHJL's Home
OHD_NTB_032120240725PhD notebook 25th July 2024 to 15 October 2024 writing and crafting the portfolio and critical commentaryHJL's Home
OHD_PHO_032220240000Kind of maintaining?A couple of photos I took of the result of some road works. maintenance ; innovation ; labour ; work OHD_Archive ; ONLINE
  1. ↩︎
  2. Tansey, T. (1999). Why keep it? Throw it in the ‘dustbin of history’. A Healthy Heritage25, 31. ↩︎
  3. Lepore, J. (2015) The Cobweb: Can the internet be archived, January 26 2015 issue The New Yorker ↩︎